Getting your data
The beamline computers are not internet connected. You have three options for getting data from them:
USB stick
Never fails, no setup, fastest transfer speed. Inconvenient if you have to do it repeatedly. There is a high speed 440MB/s beamline USB stick available for this purpose.
If you are connected to the internal MAX IV wifi network, or if you are remote-connected via VPN, you can access your data via SSH FTP. This assumes that you have been saving your data to the network drive - you cannot access the local computer disks remotely.
SSHFS (recommended for mac/linux users)
To mount a remote folder to a local folder on your machine:
(linux) sshfs [DUO USERNAME]@offline-fe1:/data/visitors/bloch/[your unique folder path] ~/[LOCAL FOLDER]
(mac) sshfs [DUO USERNAME]@offline-fe1:/data/visitors/bloch/[your unique folder path] [LOCAL FOLDER] -o defer_permissions
To force an unmount if it seems unwilling:
(linux) fusermount -u -z ~/[LOCAL FOLDER]
(mac) umount ./[LOCAL FOLDER]
Setting up SSHFS on a mac will require installation of OSXFuse and SSHFS, see here.
Graphical clients
MacOS: Our recommended graphical client is FileZilla. Enter the host as
, give your DUO username and password, and use port 22. Press Quickconnect. Once connected you will be in your home directory on the remote server. Change the remote site to :/gpfs/offline1/visitors/bloch/[your unique folder path]
. Now you can copy files over to your local computer.
Windows: Our recommended graphical client is WinSCP. Configure a new session with host name
, user name/password for your DUO account and port number 22. Under ‘Advanced’ you can change the remote directory to /data/visitors/bloch/[your unique folder path]
. Save these settings (save button on the login window) before connecting with the ‘login’ button.