Example data

Here you can find example data from the beamline. This is not intended to showcase beautiful measurements, it’s offered for the purposes of testing your data loading/analysis software.

A-endstation (Scienta / SES)

2D ARPES image (.ibw)

3D deflector ARPES map (.zip)

3D photon energy scan (.ibw)

4D spatial map

B-endstation (SPECS / Prodigy)

2D ARPES image (.xy)

3D deflector ARPES map (.xy)

Alignment 2D ARPES image with the spin detector

1D spin-resolved EDC (.xy) (one coil only)

1D spin-resolved MDC (.xy) (two coils only) 1 2

2D spin-resolved E-k image (.xy) (full set) 1 2 3

2D spin-resolved k-k image (energy surface) (.xy) (full set) 1 2 3